Zoo Outreach Organization &
Wildlife Information Liaison Development


Amphibian Ark --Zoo Outreach Organization and partners prepare for 2008 Year of the Frog

Wildlife Week 2007 Summary
and links to reports.
Indian Wildlife Week may be a unique event in the world.  Initiated  a half century ago by  Ministry of Agriculture, the event immediately caught on and was celebrated by foresters, universities, zoology departments, Zoological Survey of India branch offices, non-governmental organisations and others throughout India and the its territories.  


India Wildlife Week was celebrated from 1-7 October 2007 officially as has been done for 53 years.   Zoo Outreach Organization distributes thousands of items of educational materials annually during Wildlife Week to help people celebrate this event in a more meaningful way.  It also gives us a means of promoting the species and issues which we feel need exposure. 

This year we offered items themed on bats, quality of zoos, Hoolock Gibbon, free ranging monkeys, etc., but the major focus was on behalf of amphibians under the auspices of the AArk global campaign.  We had a rousing response which ate up all our materials in short order. 

We had developed a packet specifically targeting AArk and using the clever AArk logo but use orange for brown in the colour scheme so that it would mimic the Indian flag for Amphibian Ark India Campaign. Programme reports can be found in SANIZE module of this site along with outstanding photos and also in the January and February issue of ZOOS' PRINT magazine on www.zoosprint.org

Out of 3000 packets, 2972 were distributed to 56 different organizations.  Out of 1200 t-shirts, 1012 were distributed to programme organisers and remaining has gone to our regional amphibian training and a regional zoo association meeting.  The t-shirts were contributed by Le Shark, Tirpur whose owners, Anil and Kiran Shah have a long history of supporting such programmes.  Thanks to Chester Zoo, World Association of Zoos and Aquariums and Conservation Breeding Specialist Group.


Amphibian Signature Campaign

We collected over 7000 signatures during the Wildlife Week India campaign.  Please download the signature campaign form, get it filled out (as many copies as possible) and return to us so that South Asia will contribute their share of signatures to the 2 million envisioned to collect.


Amphibian Biodiversity Conservation (ABC) Training Course in India  --Didactic and hands-on field training -- Didactic and hands-on field training -- The Durrell WL Conservation Trust (DWCT) conducted an ABC course at Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala December 07 with a WAZA and Ruffort grant.  The course was endorsed by Wildlife Institute of India, Central Zoo Authority, Amphibian Ark, CBSG South Asia, ZOO/WILD, and Amphibian Network of South Asia. Participants numbered 30 with 4 resource persons.  WAZA & Rufford supported 19 participants and CZA, 5. Training objective was to teach an action mode in case of chytrid emergencies.


Amphibian Ark-Global Leapfrog event -- ZOO coordinated this event in S. Asia facilitated by SAZARC rep of AArk Steering committee.  ZOO provided materials for four S. Asian countries: amphibian fact sheets, frog line drawings and amphibian information booklet from ZOO?s amphibian ed kits.  All used this information extensively in programmes, reported them and the excellent media coverage  throughout S Asia.   The event was conducted in 10 zoos in Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka and Nepal.


 Educator Training at ABC --  was arranged by ZOO/SANIZE with ZOOs educators describing methods to inform people about the amphibian crisis, demonstrated how to use the amphibian packets and invited biologists to join ZOO/SANIZE as educators.  ZOO finds Field biologists as best educators as they conduct their field work in rural areas where such education is scarce.


 Amphibian Education programme for South Asian Zoo Association conference

The 8th South Asian Zoo Association conference was conducted near Ahmedbad, Gujarat from 30 January to 03 February, 2008.   ZOO's amphibian education kit -- "FROGS ROCK!" was the centrepiece of an intensive education training conducted for SAZARC participants. The current amphibian crisis was explained in detail along with a brief on the status of amphibians in South Asia.


Central Zoo Authority International Conference on Captive Breeding

CZA conducted their first International Conference on the topic of captive breeding in February 2008.  Zoo experts in population biology and captive propagation from many countries attended and committed to assist CZA make a giant leap into the 21st Century with all their programmes.  Gordon Reid, WAZA President and one of the early AArk minders, attended and presented an excellent talk on amphibians, the utility of containers and AArk sponsorship of same.  At the meeting WAZA President and SAZARC representative could speak to the Indian Environment Minister and Special Secretary about the Amphibian Crisis.


Amphibians on the Map - thanks to Sea World Conservation Fund
CBSG & WAZA decided to "jump in" to amphibian protection, ZOO put up a grant for a proposal called "Amphibians on the Map".   We wrote it up by name in our monthly magazine.  It wasn't funded !  CBSG, WAZA and Chester Zoo all contributed something so some kind of education programme could get off the ground in SAsia.  Recently we submitted a similar grant to Sea World CF.  Now, thanks to SWCF, ZOO/SANIZE/ANSA will be able to continue AArk education aggressively in SAsian countries due to their generous grant.  So 5 Frog adapted to South Asian, S. Asian CAMP GAA fresh figures for stats, CAMP summaries suitable for laypersons, supplying more countries in our region will help observe YoTF 08 in a grand manner.


Animal Welfare Fortnightly

We had developed an amphibian packet using welfare theme for distribution during AWF 2008.  During AWF 2008, 2000 amphibian education packets were distributed to zoos, forest department, Non-governmental organizations, schools, colleges and universities throughout India. Thanks to Universities for Federation of Animal Welfare, UK.


World Environment Day WED 2008

We had developed a packet "Frog Rock! On the Amphibian Ark!" and printed 7000 packets to be used during World Environment Day and Wildlife Week . This packet has information for everyone interested in biodiversity and amphibian conservation with a poster and usual activity items such as Frogs Matter to South Asia booklet, placard, mask, sticker, Rakhi and a bumper sticker meant to be stick on the vehicle bumper.  Thanks to Chester Zoo, UK. 

South Asia AArk Summer Alert or South Asia AArk SA

Amphibian Crisis campaigners should continue to create awareness among public and policy makers about the perilous plight of amphibians in South Asia and virtually all regions of the world.  

AArk South Asia intends for the campaign to:

·         Increase awareness and understanding of the amphibian extinction crisis and Amphibian Ark?s role
Motivate individuals and organizations to contribute their time and energy to educate others about the need to protect amphibian.
Increase awareness of environmental protection and related issues such as global warming.

We had developed a sticker and a bookmark combined of AArk SA  logo and some frog facts.  This is a give-a-way material.  Any one can just zip into a school room or class, or a children?s party, or even some other organiser?s NGO?s World Environment Day and give a very short presentation about the Amphibian Crisis and give each child the sticker and a bookmark with an Amphibian theme and some simple facts.   

Our education staff and local partners will be hitting schools and zoos in Coimbatore on WED with these handouts, wearing a frog mask and a t-shirt. Thanks to Sea World Conservation Fund.

To know more about related programmes click below:

2008 Year of the Frog; India Campaign for Amphibian Aark; Signature Campaign


Support Amphibian Ark AArk

Keeping threatened amphibian species afloat